Monday, May 5, 2008

A Streetcar Named Desire

The street car named desire is a much different play then Ghost. While reading scenes 1-5 it was catching more of my attention especially in scene three when Stanley was getting drunk during the poker game and lets his temper get the best of him and decides to hit Stella and then starts crying out for her and then she goes back to him. I think that any married women should go right back to her husband after what happen. While reading the scenes they start to bring out all the characters especially during scene one threw five. These scenes capture something different about the characters In the Street Car Named Desire.


Group 2 Blog said...
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Group 2 Blog said...


I totally agree with you. This play is much different from Ghosts and it is full of surprises. Characters in this play are not the same of what they seem to be. This play expresses some strong emotions such as aggression. I am really very eager to know that what happens next in the play and how does the play come to the end.